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Alice Evans quotes
I'd rather have Prada shoes than eat.
Alice Evans
I went brunette for a film called Fascination and I loved it.
Alice Evans
I love going out and it is a bit sad when the photographers stop asking you for your picture.
Alice Evans
I trust him implicitly but that doesn't stop women coming on to him. It infuriates me when women approach him [Ioan] and kiss him full on the mouth right in front of me. They obviously don't think of me as any competition now that I'm a brunette. I think I might have to go blonde again!
Alice Evans
But he will have his memories, Lance - long after we've forgotten him.
Alice Evans
The British male has no interest in women. You could get all your clothes off and lie on the sofa and go "Come and get me baby" and they go, "Wanna cuppa tea?"
Alice Evans
Good Lord. I'd be lying if I said I'd never Googled myself, but it honestly never occurred to me to add ‘naked' to my search criteria. Sure enough, there have been five nude ‘episodes'. And I know this is self-destructive but somehow I find myself on a ‘nudescenes' forum where linus22 is arguing that I have odd-shaped nipples. Do I? Oh God! That thought never occurred to me! One more for the self-esteem list.
Alice Evans
I fought the director for a week to stay blonde, but, eventually, I had to give in. It's amazing how differently people react to you if you're not a blonde. Shortly after I'd dyed it, I walked past a building site and got no reaction whatsoever, and then I tried to get a cab and not one stopped. Getting a cab in London is difficult at the best of times, but being blonde certainly helps.
Alice Evans
And I'm amazed at how many guys hit on you when you're brunette. I've had a few occasions where I've found a stray hand on my knee, which never happened when I was an icy blonde. Blokes obviously get drunk and think: 'I might as well try it on a brunette - she'll probably be grateful.'
Alice Evans