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Roger Ebert quotes - page 12
At last we see what a four-hour erection looks like.
Roger Ebert
To be sure, they sometimes do bad things, but the movie understands them and their flaws. Like great fiction, House of Sand and Fog sees into the hearts of its characters, and loves and pities them.
Roger Ebert
I walked away in elation and disbelief, yet hardly suspected that this day would set the course for the rest of my life.
Roger Ebert
Herzog by his example gave me a model for the film artist: fearless, driven by his subjects, indifferent to commercial considerations, trusting his audience to follow him anywhere.
Roger Ebert
Of course the interview was never used.
Roger Ebert
Some of these reviews were written in joyous zeal. Others with glee. Some in sorrow, some in anger, and a precious few with venom, of which I have a closely guarded supply.
Roger Ebert
Quantum theory is now discussing instantaneous connections between two entangled quantum objects such as electrons.
Roger Ebert
Once you accept the notion that the state has the right to kill someone and the right to define what is a capital crime, aren't you halfway there?
Roger Ebert
This is a masterful and heartbreaking film, and it does honor to the memory of the victims.
Roger Ebert
Dances With Wolves has the kind of vision and ambition that is rare in movies today.
Roger Ebert
Magnolia is the kind of film I instinctively respond to. Leave logic at the door. Do not expect subdued taste and restraint, but instead a kind of operatic ecstasy.
Roger Ebert
Kids are not stupid. They are among the sharpest, cleverest, most eagle-eyed creatures on God's Earth, and very little escapes their notice.
Roger Ebert
What Charlize Theron achieves in Patty Jenkins' Monster isn't a performance but an embodiment.
Roger Ebert
Magnolia is a film of sadness and loss, of lifelong bitterness, of children harmed and adults destroying themselves.
Roger Ebert
In one sense, it tells absorbing stories, filled with detail, told with precision and not a little humor. On another sense, it is a parable. The message of the parable, as with all good parables, is expressed not in words but in emotions. After we have felt the pain of these people, and felt the love of the policeman and the nurse, we have been taught something intangible, but necessary to know.
Roger Ebert
I find it a way to elevate the whole story into a larger realm of inexplicable but real behavior. We need something beyond the human to add another dimension.
Roger Ebert
Speaking in my official capacity as a Pulitzer Prize winner, Mr. Schneider, your movie sucks.
Roger Ebert
Buster survives tornados, waterfalls, avalanches of boulders, and falls from great heights, and never pauses to take a bow: He has his eye on his goal. And his movies, seen as a group, are like a sustained act of optimism in the face of adversity.
Roger Ebert
Many moviegoers and video viewers say they do not "like" black and white films. In my opinion, they are cutting themselves off from much of the mystery and beauty of the movies. Black and white is an artistic choice, a medium that has strengths and traditions, especially in its use of light and shadow.
Roger Ebert
This is precisely the same construction used by many serial killers and heads of state, who use language to separate themselves from the consequences of their actions.
Roger Ebert
Once again, he has silenced the doubters by simply delivering an extraordinary film.
Roger Ebert
The elements in The Wizard of Oz powerfully fill a void that exists inside many children.
Roger Ebert