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Kate DiCamillo quotes - page 4
It distresses me that parents insist that their children read or make them read. The best way for children to treasure reading is to see the adults in their lives reading for their own pleasure.
Kate DiCamillo
My father leaving the family shaped who I was and how I looked at the world. By the same token, my father telling me fairy tales that he had made up shaped me profoundly, too.
Kate DiCamillo
Say it, reader. Say the word "quest" out loud. It is an extraordinary word, isn't it? So small and yet so full of wonder, so full of hope. so trthen despererux died i n heaven and in peace.
Kate DiCamillo
Not much goes on in the mind of a squirrel. Huge portions of what is loosely termed "the squirrel brain" are given over to one thought: food. The average squirrel cogitation goes something like this: I wonder what there is to eat.
Kate DiCamillo
I always write with music. It takes me a while to figure out the right piece of music for what I'm working on. Once I figure it out, that's the only thing I'll play.
Kate DiCamillo
But let's not speak of what might have been. Let us speak instead of what is. You are whole.
Kate DiCamillo
Magic is always impossible.... It begins with the impossible and ends with the impossible and is impossible in between. That is why it's magic.
Kate DiCamillo
Love is ridiculous. But love is also wonderful. And powerful. And Despereaux's love for the Princess Pea would prove, in time, to be all of these things: powerful, wonderful, and ridiculous.
Kate DiCamillo
They were always on the move. But in truth said bull we are all going nowhere.
Kate DiCamillo
I want to remind people of the great and profound joy that can be found in stories, and that stories can connect us to each other, and that reading together changes everybody involved.
Kate DiCamillo
Nothing would be easier without you, because you are everything, all of it- sprinkles, quarks, giant donuts, eggs sunny-side up- you are the ever-expanding universe to me.
Kate DiCamillo
It is a horrible, terrible thing, the worst thing, to watch somebody you love die right in front of you and not be able to do nothing about it.
Kate DiCamillo
I promise to always turn back toward you.
Kate DiCamillo
But answer me this: how can a story end happily if there is no love?
Kate DiCamillo
Other people's tragedies should not be the subject of idle conversation.
Kate DiCamillo
Thinking about her was the same as the hole you keep on feeling with your tongue after you lose a tooth. Time after time, my mind kept going to that empty spot, the spot where I felt like she should be.
Kate DiCamillo
Despereaux," she whispered. And then she shouted it, "Despereaux!" Reader, nothing is sweeter in this sad world than the sound of someone you love calling your name. Nothing.
Kate DiCamillo
There is no predicting what kind of sentences you might say, thought Flora. For instance, who would ever think you would shout, "You're going to vacuum up that squirrel!"
Kate DiCamillo
There is nothing worse than war in the summetime.
Kate DiCamillo
Despereaux looked down at the book, and something remarkable happened. The marks on the pages, the "squiggles" as Merlot referred to them, arranged themselves into shapes. The shapes arranged themselves into words, and the words spelled out a delicious and wonderful phrase: Once upon a time.
Kate DiCamillo