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Jerome Corsi quotes
I apologize if anybody was offended by anything I said.
Jerome Corsi
Howard Phillips of the Constitution Party asked me to consider seriously running for president in 2008 and I am doing so.
Jerome Corsi
If the Republican Party continues to ignore its conservative base, then the Party is headed to oblivion.
Jerome Corsi
Put simply, the Bush administration policy in the Middle East is continuing to fail.
Jerome Corsi
Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U. S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada.
Jerome Corsi
Isn't the Democratic Party the official SODOMIZER PROTECTION ASSOCIATION of AMERICA -- oh, I forgot, it was just an accident that Clintoon's first act in office was to promote "gays in the military." RAGHEADS are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are Women-Haters -- it all goes together.
Jerome Corsi
An atomic Iran is imminent ... mullahs may have bomb by June.
Jerome Corsi
This was the first time WND had found a major intellectual leader behind the push to integrate North America suggesting that a crisis of 9-11 proportions might be just what was needed to advance the process toward establishing a North American Union and the amero.
Jerome Corsi
Our founding fathers knew that if we went this direction, there was no more moral compass and you won't be able to explain to your children - you'll have to face the fact that we lost holding the line on one of the most principle issues in the Bible, and that is sex is not about fun. If you want to have fun, read a book, go see a movie. Sex is about the procreation of children. It's a sacred responsibility that is meant by God to have men and women commit their lifetime to children.
Jerome Corsi