Roberto Clemente quotes - page 9
"I'll bet you Harry Dalton would trade half his ballclub for Clemente,” Don Leppert, the Pirates' first-base coach, said. "He'd probably split the clubhouse down the middle, and give us a choice of either side, to get that guy into an Oriole uniform.” Leppert's only regret is that Clemente didn't have the chance to truly excel in the field. Other than his eye-popping throw to the plate in the sixth game, Clemente was required to field no more than ordinary chances. "Brooks Robinson had that great Series with the glove in 1970,” Leppert said, "but you've got to be lucky to field like he did. By that, I mean you've got to get the tough chances, and if Roberto had had some in this Series, he really would have shown them something.”.
Roberto Clemente