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Julia de Burgos quotes
All the flowers... are open, awaiting my arrival, and they clothe beaches of the most beautiful blue, to receive my life, whole and healthy like before. I want to spend days by the sea, burning myself in the sun like we did in our juvenile days, and to be able to return and see my river, with the same tranquil and yearning eyes as I did when I was its bride.
Julia de Burgos
I was the quietest one./The voice with almost no echo./The conscience spread in a syllable of anguish,/scattered and tender, through all the silences...I was the quietest one./The one who leapt from earth with no more weapon than a verse./And here you see me, stars,/scattered and tender, with his love in my chest!
Julia de Burgos
And still they ask me to trade songs for words,/they can't imagine my pulse without poems.
Julia de Burgos
Me, fatalist,/watching life coming and going/from my contemporaries...Me, inside myself,/always waiting for something/that my mind can't define.
Julia de Burgos
At each advancing step on my route forward/back was ripped by the desperate flapping wings of the old guard.
Julia de Burgos
The shadow of tomorrow stands watch over my life.
Julia de Burgos
The storm passed faithful over my tired soul/when you appeared with the tenderness of a star.
Julia de Burgos
It is no longer a song./It is a battlecry./Battlecry of living strength,/of men who struggle,/of minds that free themselves,/of free arms/ready not to fall./The masses roar./They think./They are.
Julia de Burgos
It is in you (the hispanic people of america) where my song sings, where my voice/began in mountainous screams a free scream.
Julia de Burgos
we shall dance the dance of life/to the rhythm of a fire of light/that will burst from the sun.
Julia de Burgos
At your chest MartÃ, I knock among tears/in this hour of man and of war,/so you may arrive, at peace, awake,/over the greatest pain of America.
Julia de Burgos
The imperialism of the United States/has a wide grave:/there is your dead wife/there your little one/there your cow/there your mare/your field and your land.
Julia de Burgos
honor grew white hair/in the homicidal empire.
Julia de Burgos
Do not fear the look that will empty my heart in you.
Julia de Burgos
Since I never had a world among the living/offer me a world among the dead!
Julia de Burgos
I was a star spilled in your arms.
Julia de Burgos
The word can't cope with my load of anguish,/and my exalted pain can't fit in my verse.
Julia de Burgos
She goes on being a poem, Julia de Burgos;/the bourgeois of the cosmos, who is not a bourgeois/the way men want her to be-since she smiles/much more than at the mirror, the river and the jungle.
Julia de Burgos