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Jerry Brown quotes - page 2
In some cases, managers and employees have secured pensions beyond their original base salary. It is wrong, the people doing it know it's wrong, and we have to put an end to it.
Jerry Brown
There is an overblown rhetoric and overblown expectation that if there is a problem there must be program to solve it.
Jerry Brown
In this decade government at all levels has increased spending faster than the true rate of economic growth... The cure for inflation has been administered with a vengeance. Yet most people feel worse, not better, about their government benefactor. The elderly find their fixed income eroding in half; those about to retire fear their future pensions will never keep pace. Ten million California workers see their wages rise but not as fast as prices. Those on welfare obtain larger grants but find more expensive groceries.
Jerry Brown
That man [Jerry] is like 500 pounds of Jello.
Jerry Brown
I don't think you can take much of what he says seriously.
Jerry Brown
I listened, and I've come to the conclusion I just don't trust him.
Jerry Brown
Oftentimes Jerry will run for an office and not want to do the things that are part of that office.
Jerry Brown
I don't know who Jerry Brown is anymore. There's been so many evolvements.
Jerry Brown
Admit it-the world is mighty wacky. Dan Quayle is a heartbeat away from bravely leading us into the New World Order. Our intelligentsia are running around declaring that we have reached both the End of History and the apex of political evolution-we're the kings of the global jungle. At the same time, sensing new opportunities, the forces of reptilian nationalism-from Pat Robertson to militant mullahs, from David Duke to the ancient reactionary movements of Eastern Europe-are crawling out from under their rocks, getting facelifts, and learning how to use teleprompters and Stinger missiles. Meanwhile, back in the cradle of democracy, the "opposition" response to all this is to offer a choice between Jerry Brown and None of the Above.
Jerry Brown