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John Bardeen quotes
My earlier award was also based on a close collaborative effort.
John Bardeen
The Nobel awards should be regarded as giving recognition to this general scientific progress as well as to the individuals involved.
John Bardeen
Science is a field which grows continuously with ever expanding frontiers. Further, it is truly international in scope. Any particular advance has been preceded by the contributions of those from many lands who have set firm foundations for further developments. The Nobel awards should be regarded as giving recognition to this general scientific progress as well as to the individuals involved. Further, science is a collaborative effort. The combined results of several people working together is often much more effective than could be that of an individual scientist working alone.
John Bardeen
... I can't work well under the conditions at Bell Labs. Walter and I are looking at a few questions relating to point-contact transistors, but Shockley keeps all the interesting problems for himself.
John Bardeen
The combined results of several people working together is often much more effective than could be that of an individual scientist working alone.
John Bardeen
Further, science is a collaborative effort.
John Bardeen