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David Allen (author) quotes - page 5
How can you justify keeping a calendar & still keep most of your other commitments w/yourself in your head?
David Allen (author)
Your mind doesn't have one. If it did, it would only remind you of something when you could do something about it.
David Allen (author)
Pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, so you can pay attention to what really has your attention.
David Allen (author)
Outcome/next-action thinking, before you must, prepares you for when you must. And that time will come.
David Allen (author)
Your tools are only as good as they serve your intention. What do you want to have true? What Do you need to have viewable re: that?
David Allen (author)
When you know how, any time, to get to the place where it's all sort of funny, you've mastered GTD.
David Allen (author)
Freedom to give full attention to what you want (vs. It being held hostage by unmanaged stuff) is the GTD promise.
David Allen (author)
Rivers of creative flow are log jammed w/ heads holding on to incompletions, old business, & avoided decisions.
David Allen (author)
Keys to getting things done: know what "done" means & what "doing" looks like.
David Allen (author)
Collect, process, organize & review what has your attention, so you can stop half-trying to be doing all that, constantly.
David Allen (author)
My daily meta-map lists: events coming up; major projects for me; emerging interests; my accountabilities.
David Allen (author)
The purpose of a purpose? Tunes you to meaningful things you wouldn't be aware of, otherwise.
David Allen (author)
Staying in control daily, weekly, & yearly requires different things for each. Handling one doesn't handle the others.
David Allen (author)
What would your ideal exec ass't let you know - & when - & where? That should inform your best #GTD system.
David Allen (author)
Great question to ask, to relax: What should I consider right now, decide what, and let go?
David Allen (author)
Using your head to manage your life = creativity constipation.
David Allen (author)
The present-ness demanded by a crisis is possible w/out crisis. Understand the keys to appropriate engagement. GTD.
David Allen (author)
The short-term-memory part of your mind-the part that tends to hold all of the incomplete, undecided, and unorganized "stuff”-functions much like RAM on a personal computer. Your conscious mind, like the computer screen, is a focusing tool, not a storage place. You can think about only two or three things at once. But the incomplete items are still being stored in the short-term-memory space. And as with RAM, there's limited capacity; there's only so much "stuff” you can store in there and still have that part of your brain function at a high level. Most people walk around with their RAM bursting at the seams. They're constantly distracted, their focus disturbed by their own internal mental overload.
David Allen (author)