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David Allen (author) quotes - page 4
Valuable thought occurred today to share. Obvious in the moment. Can't retrieve now. Didn't capture. I teach this. Damn.
David Allen (author)
Good ideas are infinitely available. We've just limited our availablitly to them. The music's not in the radio.
David Allen (author)
Your mind receives, remembers, & reminds, & sucks at all 3, compared to an objective external system a la GTD.
David Allen (author)
Secret to finding, quickly, the corner pieces, then the outside edges, to the jigsaw puzzle of life: GTD.
David Allen (author)
Over-prepare. Then go with the flow.
David Allen (author)
Defaulting to ur psyche as ur system instead of an objective one makes maintaining the system too much trouble.
David Allen (author)
Get things under control first, then get focused. If your ship is sinking, you don't care where it's pointed.
David Allen (author)
Trying to ignore secondarily meaningful things gives them more meaning than they deserve.
David Allen (author)
You talk to yourself 50,000 times a day. What's 300 emails? #SmallBizChat.
David Allen (author)
A commitment kept only in your head will be given too much or too little attention.
David Allen (author)
Resistance to deciding the next action (before we have to) stems from how it exposes the vulnerability of our intelligence.
David Allen (author)
The nature of creative thinking runs counter to the nature of dealing w/its output. Ability & system to do both is freedom. GTD.
David Allen (author)
Making decisions when you can vs. when you have to makes for better decisions.
David Allen (author)
The less you are driven by what goes on in this material world, the more you will pay attention to its details.
David Allen (author)
If you could stop thinking, letting go of trying control your world w/your mind, where would your attention go?
David Allen (author)
#GTD 2.0 = what to do with your head, once it's clear.
David Allen (author)
"Organization" for most people is simply an incomplete list, or amorphous piles, of still-unclear commitments.
David Allen (author)
Point of in-box empty: having a complete, current inventory of what matters, so you deal clearly with what's new & what's now.
David Allen (author)
Am working as hard as I can to find out what it's OK I'm NOT going to be dong, this weekend!
David Allen (author)
An overwhelming amount of potential work to do is cool. Otherwise people would never go to a gym.
David Allen (author)
If your backlog of stuff isn't zero'd regularly, you're hostage to your own incessant angst that you should.
David Allen (author)
To be free to be spontaneously & creatively shallow requires depth of character & a disciplined focus.
David Allen (author)