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Daniel Abraham quotes - page 7
Hell no,” Jim said when they were alone in the suite. "Absolutely no. No fucking way, no. There have got to be a billion different ways to say no, and I'd still have to cycle through them a couple times to really express the depth of no on this one. Clarissa Mao? On the Roci? How is that anything but a massive load of let's-not-do-that?
Daniel Abraham
All of them do what they think is right, and tell themselves that they're moral people with the strength to do the necessary things, however terrible they seem at the time. Every atrocity that has been done to us had someone behind it who thought what they did was justified. And here I am. A moral person with the strength to do this. Because it's justified.
Daniel Abraham
If we're not willing to win the fight, I'm not sure what we're doing in the cage.
Daniel Abraham
Avasarala stretched her right leg, feeling the ache in it. It would be worse in the morning. Lifting weights was an argument against a benign God. As if that needed more evidence.
Daniel Abraham
That's the problem with things you can't do twice,” Naomi said. "You can't ever know how it would have gone if it had been the other way.” "No. But you can say that if we don't do something different, it'll happen again. And again. And again, over and over until something changes the game.
Daniel Abraham
An unshakable faith in humanity.” "It's true,” he said, shaking his head. Or maybe nuzzling a little. "Against all evidence, I keep thinking the assholes are outliers.
Daniel Abraham
She'd ended with I'll do whatever I can, but you might have to make do with being avenged.
Daniel Abraham
As an old drill sergeant had told her, pain is the warrior's friend. Pain reminds you that you aren't dead yet.
Daniel Abraham
The question wasn't whether moving psychoactive alien seedpods between worlds was a good idea so much as whether someone was going to lose face in front of a committee meeting. Thus were the great decisions of history made.
Daniel Abraham
All the food chemists in the system will never do better than evolution at making a decent tea leaf.
Daniel Abraham
See if there's anyone out there with a plan, or if we're going to have to make one up on our own.” "We can do that,” Amos said. "Shouldn't be hard.” "You sure?” Alex said. "This is Medina Station under occupation by a bunch of splinter Martian military expats. It's not Baltimore.” Amos' smile was as placid as always. "Everywhere's Baltimore.
Daniel Abraham
Put a dozen people in front of their cameras, and you'd wind up with thirteen opinions.
Daniel Abraham
It was, to say the least, a very high cost and very low probability of success. Singh assumed there was a faith element to the risk that he was just missing. In his opinion, faith was generally for people who were bad at math.
Daniel Abraham
That says more about you than about the reality of things.
Daniel Abraham
The universe was tricky, and its sense of humor came with teeth.
Daniel Abraham
Still. She had hoped. It never hurt to hope, except when it did.
Daniel Abraham
An invisible line in space, unmarked by anything more than what people believed about it. And that was enough.
Daniel Abraham
Every revolution needed its mad bombers, apparently.
Daniel Abraham
It was a day with a lot of ways to die packed in it.
Daniel Abraham
It's the reward of old age,” Avasarala said. "You live long enough, and you can watch everything you worked for become irrelevant.” "You're not selling it,” Drummer said. "Fuck you, then. Die young. See if I care.
Daniel Abraham
Everything changed, and it went right on changing. A terrible thought when things were good, a comforting one now. Whatever happened, she could be certain that things wouldn't stay the way they were now. And if she stayed smart and clever and lucky, she'd be able to affect how the next change came. Or take advantage of it.
Daniel Abraham
Alex worried about that. Jillian was mean as a snake. When he'd told Bobbie that, she'd responded, I just make sure she never runs out of mice. He still didn't know quite what that meant.
Daniel Abraham