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Daniel Abraham quotes - page 6
Some things were secret even after you told them.
Daniel Abraham
Writers are a basically insecure bunch. We are convinced that everything we do sucks, all the time. It's something you have to fight. The best way to make sure that your writing will never be particularly good is to use it for something besides telling the story. And I think there's a real tension between sophistication and accessibility.
Daniel Abraham
She understood on a deep, animal level that sex was like music or language. It could express anything. Love, yes. Or anger, or bitterness, or despair. It could be a way to grieve or a way to take revenge. It could be a weapon or a nightmare or a solace. Sex was meaningless, and so it could mean anything.
Daniel Abraham
All the ways they wanted to help her, but never asked how she wanted to be helped.
Daniel Abraham
He found himself crafting the role of Governor Rittenaur as if he were acting a part in a play. He had come to notice when his own impulses were different from what Governor Rittenaur's would be, and then bury his own judgment to give space to the requirement of his office. He was a professional impersonator of himself.
Daniel Abraham
"I'm not a traitor,” Bobbie said to her reflection in the mirror. Mirror Bobbie looked unconvinced.
Daniel Abraham
I'm not asking you to sleep with him.” "Good, because I don't use sex as a weapon,” Bobbie said. "I use weapons as weapons.
Daniel Abraham
"Reputation never has very much to do with reality,” she said. "I could name half a dozen paragons of virtue that are horrible, small-souled, evil people. And some of the best men I know, you'd walk out of the room if you heard their names. No one on the screen is who they are when you breathe their air.
Daniel Abraham
"We came out here with an operational plan,” she said. "If we start rewriting it every time we find an adjustment we'd like to make, we might as well not have bothered.” Privately, Bull thought the same thing, but with a different inflection. If he'd been XO, the operational plan would have been called a suggested guideline and only opened when he wanted a good laugh.
Daniel Abraham
Trashy people puke,” Tilly said. "Ladies are unwell.
Daniel Abraham
Nothing ever killed more people than being afraid to look like a sissy.
Daniel Abraham
She wondered what it said about her that she'd watched a woman shot to death not two hours before and all she could think about now was lunch.
Daniel Abraham
"At least he cares,” Elvi said. "I like him for that.” "You like everyone,” Fayez teased. It's your pathology.” "You don't like anyone.” "That's mine,” he said, grinning.
Daniel Abraham
You mean you want me to make it look like you're doing something while you figure out what to do.
Daniel Abraham
You can order the sun to come up if you time it right.
Daniel Abraham
There was no point to the attack except spite and the kind of violence that passed for meaning in the face of despair.
Daniel Abraham
She isn't stupid, but she's learning to fake it.
Daniel Abraham
So you're trying to get me prepared for one of my crew dying?” "Historically speaking, humans are pretty much at a hundred percent on that.
Daniel Abraham
Something in the back of her head shifted. The serpent of learned helplessness long asleep starting to wake. She pretended it wasn't there, in hopes that if she denied it enough, it wouldn't exist.
Daniel Abraham
You are a special flower.” "Well, sure. Just not used to anybody appreciating it.
Daniel Abraham
I try to do the right thing, Holden. But there are times when it's not obvious what that is.” "I agree with you,” Holden said. "Right up to the part where you tell me this is one of those times.
Daniel Abraham
Bobbie sighed. "You know, a thousand of those stars out there are ours now. That's like, what? Three ten-thousandths of a percent of our galaxy? That's what we're fighting over.” "You think?” "You don't?” "Nah,” Alex said. "I figure we're fighting over who gets the most meat from the hunt and first access to the water hole. Mating rights. Who believes in which gods. Who has the most money. The usual primate issues.” "Kids,” Bobbie said. "Kids?” "Yeah. Everyone wanting to make sure their kids have a better shot than they did. Or than everyone else's kids. Something like that.” "Yeah, probably,” Alex said.
Daniel Abraham