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Daniel Abraham quotes - page 5
She could remember the girl she used to be with fondness, but it wasn't a youth she cared to recapture.
Daniel Abraham
Just once I'd like to be rewarded for my optimistic view of humanity.
Daniel Abraham
The several unexamined assumptions in the argument remained unexamined.
Daniel Abraham
Two points defined a line, but three defined the playing field.
Daniel Abraham
All the numberless different solutions that evolution had come up with under all the different stars, and all responding-more or less-to the same pressures. Eyes on every world. Mouths near the sense organs, because things with feeding coordination did better than things without.
Daniel Abraham
"Thanks for everything,” she said to the universe, as if it had been at the host of a particularly good party that was just winding down.
Daniel Abraham
I'm going to go obsessively run diagnostics on systems I know are solid so I can feel like I have control of something.
Daniel Abraham
Evolution was a paste-and-baling-wire process that came up with half-assed solutions like pushing teeth through babies' gums and menstruation. Survival of the fittest was a technical term that covered a lot more close-enough-is-close-enough than actual design.
Daniel Abraham
I'm not sure if dying free is as attractive when it stops being rhetorical.
Daniel Abraham
What you're really doing is trying to win back what you've lost by going all in. It's shitty poker, and even worse as a battle strategy.
Daniel Abraham
But all the stories about the devil making a deal and then cheating missed the point. The real horror was that once the bargain was struck, the devil didn't cheat. He gave you exactly and explicitly all that had been promised. And the price was your soul.
Daniel Abraham
Growing older was a falling away of everything that didn't matter. And a deepening appreciation of all the parts that were important enough to stay.
Daniel Abraham
Routine was what kept the darkness at bay, when anything did.
Daniel Abraham
In a fight like this, unless you're willing to lose everything to win, you lose it all by losing.
Daniel Abraham
It was like a Chihuahua threatening an office building.
Daniel Abraham
Pacifism only works when your enemy has a conscience.
Daniel Abraham
The universe wasn't just stranger than you knew, it was stranger than you could know.
Daniel Abraham
The people who have power over you are weak too. They shit and bleed and worry that their children don't love them anymore. They're embarrassed by the stupid things they did when they were young that everyone else has forgotten. And so they're vulnerable. We all define ourselves by the people around us, because that's the kind of monkey we are. We can't transcend it. So when they watch you, they hand you the power to change what they are too.
Daniel Abraham
God might not care about financial standing, but He was the only one.
Daniel Abraham
Patriotism was weird shit.
Daniel Abraham
He probed himself like a doctor searching for inflammation. Did it hurt here? Did he feel the loss there? He didn't. There was only a sense of relief so profound it approached giddiness.
Daniel Abraham
And now they were making music from the screams of the dying. Of the dead. The were dancing to it in the low-rent clubs. What it must be like, Miller thought, to be young and soulless. But no. That wasn't fair. Diogo was a good kid. He was just naive. The universe would take care of that, given a little time.
Daniel Abraham