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Robert Hooke quotes
The true Mathematical and Mechanical Form of all manner of Arches for building with the true butment necessary to each of them, a Problem which no Architectonick Writer hath ever yet attempted, much less perform'd.
Robert Hooke
I have in some of my foregoing observations discovered some new Motions even in the Earth it self, which perhaps were not dreamt of before.
Robert Hooke
The Publisher of Transactions in that of October 1675 indeavours to cover former injuries done me by accumulating new ones.
Robert Hooke
I apply'd myself to the improving of the pendulum for such observations.
Robert Hooke
The success of these made me further think of improving it for finding the longitude; and the method.
Robert Hooke
At these meetings, which were about the year 1655, divers experiments were suggested, discoursed, and tried with various successes, though no other account was taken of them but what particular persons perhaps did for the help of their own memories; so that many excellent things have been lost. Some few only by the kindness of the authors have since been made public. Among these may be reckoned the Honourable Mr Boyle's Pneumatic Engine and Experiments, first printed in the year 1660; for in 1658 or 1659 I continued and perfected the air-pump for Mr Boyle, having first seen a contrivance for that purpose made for the same honourable person by Mr Gratorix, which was too gross to perform any great matter.
Robert Hooke
What Des-Cartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, & especially in taking the colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen further it is by standing on the sholders of Giants.
Robert Hooke