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Peter Greenaway quotes - page 5
You weren't asleep then.
Peter Greenaway
The Sistine Chapel is an extraordinary work of education - it lays out all the early books of the Bible.
Peter Greenaway
I obviously irritate people. I obviously antagonise them.
Peter Greenaway
Anybody who writes a diary insists it must be read by someone else.
Peter Greenaway
I always think that art is one of the most wonderful exciting curious ways to learn. I have no worries or apologies about art being used as a teaching medium.
Peter Greenaway
This book is gaudy like a gilded cauliflower which smells so bad after a good hot water soaking, like hot chocolate sweetened with sugar beet / incompatibles blended incongruously to no purpose.
Peter Greenaway
It is an awesome sight, repeatedly drawn and painted. How long did it last, this Fall of Angels? Was it all over in an hour? Or did it take days, weeks, years? Is it still going on?
Peter Greenaway
A man bringing himself, melody and mathematics into perfect and enviable proportions. / only more so, much more so.
Peter Greenaway
If you were not to be its victim, this book and body would amuse you with its arrogance. It would make you laugh. Because you were not its victim, you could feel no pain of betrayal.
Peter Greenaway
My brother works for a forestry commission. He writes only in green ink to persuade his bosses to make it a standard ecological colour for all forestry business. I asked him what colour ink he would use if he gave up eating whale meat and worked for a whaling company. He said whales were colour blind.
Peter Greenaway
Nun 2: (Very quietly) Sir, be grateful for the music. Most of us die in silence.
Peter Greenaway
A is for Adam and E is for Eve. B is for bile, blood and bones.
Peter Greenaway
Perhaps, sadly, in the end, cinema is only a translator's art, and you know what they say about translators: traitors all.
Peter Greenaway
I was completely absorbed as to what would happen because anything was possible.
Peter Greenaway
A great many things are dying very violently all the time. The best days for violent deaths are Tuesdays. They are the yellow-paint days. Saturdays are second best -- or worst. Saturdays are red-paint days. The Great Death Game is therefore a contest between red-paint days and yellow-paint days. So far yellow-paint days are winning by thirty-one corpses to twenty-nine. Whatever the colour, a violent death is always celebrated by a firework.
Peter Greenaway
This drawing is three quarters ball, one quarter philosopher, which might be about the right space to keep a philosopher in his place.
Peter Greenaway
Grief: An emotional experience often brought about by a great sense of loss. The subject of this loss is completely immaterial.
Peter Greenaway
Get the Titanic sailing correctly before you worry about the deck chairs.
Peter Greenaway
Secret: A private matter whispered abroad and never kept to oneself. By naming it a secret, we immediately indicate its presence. If we really wanted to keep secrets, we would not have a name for them.
Peter Greenaway
John Cage, composer, painter, and all-round thinker and cultural catalyst, said that if you introduce twenty percent of novelty into any artwork, watch out -- you are going to lose eighty percent of your audience at once. He said you would lose them for fifteen years. Cage was interested in fifteen-year cycles. But he was hopelessly optimistic. The general appreciation, for example, of Western painting has got stuck around Impressionism, and that was 130 years ago, not fifteen years ago.
Peter Greenaway
A series of ever-decreasing splashes drip and plop into black water... thus the beginning of the film is reprised.
Peter Greenaway
... there are tens of thousands of photographs taken here, all taken very patiently, because decay can be very slow.. Ten months for a human body... they say...
Peter Greenaway