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Basil of Caesarea quotes - page 4
Does not the gratitude of the dog put to shame any man who is ungrateful to his benefactors?
Basil of Caesarea
Good masters teach good doctrine, but that taught by evil masters is wholly evil.
Basil of Caesarea
Among irrational animals the love of the offspring and of the parents for each other is extraordinary because God, who created them, compensated for the deficiency of reason by the superiority of their senses.
Basil of Caesarea
Whatever requires an undue amount of thought or trouble or involves a large expenditure of effort and causes our whole life to revolve, as it were, around solicitude for the flesh must be avoided by Christians.
Basil of Caesarea
All of us who desire the kingdom of God are, by the Lord's decree, under an equal and rigorous necessity of seeking after the grace of Baptism.
Basil of Caesarea
Any one who chooses will set up for a literary critic, though he cannot tell us where he went to school, or how much time was spent in his education, and knows nothing about letters at all.
Basil of Caesarea
The human being is an animal who has received the vocation to become God.
Basil of Caesarea
O sinner, be not discouraged, but have recourse to Mary in all you necessities. Call her to your assistance, for such is the divine Will that she should help in every kind of necessity.
Basil of Caesarea
Wherever you may go, the least plant may bring you clear remembrance of the Creator.
Basil of Caesarea
I heard many discourses which were good for the soul, but I could not discover in the case of any one of the teachers that his life was worthy of his words.
Basil of Caesarea
If, to me, to live is Christ (Phil. 1:21), truly my words ought to be about Christ, my every thought and deed ought to depend upon His commandments, and my soul to be fashioned after His.
Basil of Caesarea
Science which is acquired unwillingly, soon disappears; that which is instilled into the mind in a pleasant and agreeable manner, is more lasting.
Basil of Caesarea