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Abu Hamid al-Ghazali quotes - page 2
The man who makes his religion a means to the gaining of this world, will lose both worlds alike; whereas the man who gives up this world for the sake of religion, will get both worlds alike.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
If you believe in the future life and, instead of preparing for it, sell it in order to buy this world, then that is folly! You do not normally sell two things for one; how can you give up an endless life for a limited number of days.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
Indeed, the drunken man while in that condition does not know the definition of drunkenness nor the scientific account of it; he has not the very least scientific knowledge of it. The sober man, on the other hand, knows the definition of drunkenness and its basis, yet he is not drunk in the very least. Again the doctor, when he is himself ill, knows the definition and causes of health and the remedies which restore it, and yet is lacking in health. Similarly there is a difference between knowing the true nature and causes and conditions of the ascetic life and actually leading such a life and forsaking the world.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
The proximity between the counterfeit and the good coin does not make the good coin counterfeit nor the counterfeit good. In the same way the proximity between truth and falsehood does not make truth falsehood nor falsehood truth.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
The greatest physical pleasure in the world is the meeting of the two urinary tracts.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
The highest food is the vomit of bees, we know it as honey.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
The highest drink is water, and it is the least of things in the world.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
Know that thankfulness is from the highest of stations, and it is higher than patience, fear, and detachment of the world.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
Do not know the truth by the men, but know the truth, and then you will know who are truthful.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
Purifying the soul is serious: the hereafter is ahead, the world is behind, death is near, the journey is far and the provisions are light.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali