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Harrison Ford quotes - page 2
Parenting is an impossible job at any age.
Harrison Ford
I love the comic opportunities that come up in the context of a father-son relationship.
Harrison Ford
It took me a long time to figure out how to act, and how to conduct myself in the business so I could get what I felt I needed to support my potential and give them what they wanted.
Harrison Ford
I was never that much a focus of interest in my career. I'm aware of that now, which doesn't give me a lot of pleasure.
Harrison Ford
The third time you say a thing it sounds like a lie.
Harrison Ford
There is no child left within me, none whatsoever.
Harrison Ford
When I first started out, I was a bad actor.
Harrison Ford
I've always been somewhere down from the top, so I've never had to suffer being knocked off the top.
Harrison Ford
Directing is too hard, it takes too much time, and it doesn't pay very well.
Harrison Ford
Speaking about his Irish/Jewish/Russian ancestors, Harrison Ford said that he is "Irish as a person but I feel Jewish as an actor.”.
Harrison Ford
My older kids are fantastic people. It can't be the result of my influence on them.
Harrison Ford
Sometimes I try to improve the language, the lines, or the delivery, but I don't ad-lib because I think that makes it really hard for everybody else involved.
Harrison Ford
You may get real tired watching me, but I'm not going to quit.
Harrison Ford
I don't do a huge amount of physical activity. I play tennis, I work out sporadically, and I eat well and take care of myself.
Harrison Ford
I have the ordinary experience of being anonymous when I'm in an airplane talking to air-traffic control, and they don't know who they're talking to. I have a lot of common experiences.
Harrison Ford
The trick of this thing and the beauty of this thing is that it's a cowboy movie first and then stuff happens. Even after stuff happens it doesn't change - it hasn't suddenly changed into another kind of movie. It's still a cowboy movie. And that's what's incredible about it because nobody has done that before, that's new territory.
Harrison Ford
I think what a lot of action movies lose these days, especially the ones that deal with fantasy, is you stop caring at some point because you've lost human scale.
Harrison Ford
I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.
Harrison Ford
Really, what are the options? Levi's or Wranglers. And you just pick one. It's one of those life choices.
Harrison Ford
I wanted to be a forest ranger or a coal man. At a very early age, I knew I didn't want to do what my dad did, which was work in an office.
Harrison Ford
I think retirement's for old people. I'm still in the business, thank you. I have a young child of nine years old, and I want to live as long as I can to see him grow up. I'm enjoying my life and I want to stick around for as long as I can.
Harrison Ford
I'm addicted to Altoids. I call them 'acting pills.'
Harrison Ford