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Larry Wall quotes - page 12
You tell it that it's indicative by appending $!. That's why we made $! such a short variable name, after all.
Larry Wall
Oh, wait, that was Randal...nevermind...
Larry Wall
Magically turning people's old scalar contexts into list contexts is a recipe for several kinds of disaster.
Larry Wall
I wasn't recommending that we make the links for them, only provide them with the tools to do so if they want to take the gamble.
Larry Wall
I surely do hope that's a syntax error.
Larry Wall
Historically Tcl has always stored all intermediate results as strings. (With 8.0 they're rethinking that. Of course, Perl rethought that from the start.)
Larry Wall
Just don't make the '9' format pack/unpack numbers...
Larry Wall
There's something to be said for returning the whole syntax tree.
Larry Wall
The code also assumes that it's difficult to misspell 'a' or 'b.
Larry Wall
That's a valid argument. I just don't think it's valid enough.
Larry Wall
Why Bible quotes exclusively? What happened to the Eastern religions? I'm still working on the Unicode mods.
Larry Wall
I dunno. Perhaps you should be happy that I have a policy of refraining from grumbling about handicapped operating systems.
Larry Wall
So I'm thinking about??, or!!, or //, or \\, or whatever. But I think I like?? the best so far. Or the least worst.
Larry Wall
In Clintonese, that would be 'You are free to infer that I was saying that.
Larry Wall
That is a known bug in 5.00550. Either an upgrade or a downgrade will fix it.
Larry Wall
I think I'm happier with that. $rubyometer += 0.3 or so.
Larry Wall
"tt>#define NULL 0 /* silly thing is, we don't even use this */.
Larry Wall
break; /* don't do magic till later */.
Larry Wall
OOPS! You naughty creature! You didn't run Configure with sh! I will attempt to remedy the situation by running sh for you...
Larry Wall
That means I'll have to use $ans to suppress newlines now.Life is ridiculous.
Larry Wall
"tt>/* This bit of chicanery makes a unary function followed by a parenthesis into a function with one argument, highest precedence. */.
Larry Wall
But I'm not here to talk about postmodernism. I tried to do that last spring, and afterwards I was thoroughly deconstructed by the deconstructionists for attempting to deconstruct deconstructionism. At least, that's the construction I put on their construction of it. I was talking about postmodern culture, and they thought I was talking about postmodern literature. Not at all the same thing!
Larry Wall