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John Wesley quotes - page 5
I want to know one thing: The way to Heaven. How to land safe on that happy shore.
John Wesley
Until my work on this earth is done, I am immortal. But when my work for Christ is done ... I go to be with Jesus.
John Wesley
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can.
John Wesley
Employ whatever God has entrusted you with, in doing good, all possible good, in every possible kind and degree.
John Wesley
The readiest way to escape from our sufferings is, to be willing they should endure as long as God pleases.
John Wesley
There is no love of God without patience, and no patience without lowliness and sweetness of spirit.
John Wesley
My one aim in life is to secure personal holiness, for without being holy myself I cannot promote real holiness in others.
John Wesley
We are always open to instruction, willing to be wiser every day than we were before, and to change whatever we can change for the better.
John Wesley
Preach faith till you have it; and then, because you have it, you will preach faith.
John Wesley
He who governed the world before I was born shall take care of it likewise when I am dead. My part is to improve the present moment.
John Wesley
A sour religion is the devil's religion.
John Wesley
My mother was the source from which I derived the guiding principles of my life.
John Wesley
Riches naturally beget pride, love of the world, and every temper that is destructive of Christianity.
John Wesley
Faith is the divine evidence whereby the spiritual man discerneth God, and the things of God.
John Wesley
Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness.
John Wesley
Prayer continues in the desire of the heart, though the understanding be employed on outward things.
John Wesley
A constant attention to the work which God entrusts us with is a mark of solid piety.
John Wesley
We should constantly use the most common, little, easy words which our language affords.
John Wesley
You must immediately drop any preacher that gives any countenance to Nathaniel Ward. While I live I will bear the most public testimony I can to the reality of witchcraft. Your denial of this springs originally from the Deists; and simple Christians lick their spittle. I heartily set them at open defiance.
John Wesley
I would do anything that is in my power toward the extirpation of that trade which is a scandal not only to Christianity but humanity.
John Wesley
In the sermon titled "The Use of Money" Wesley said, "Employ whatever God has entrusted you with in doing good, all possible good, in every possible kind and degree . . . to all men." This sermon is in the collection titled "Wesley's Standard Sermons." They are called "standard" because all Methodist preachers were instructed to read them and use them in interpreting the Christian faith.
John Wesley