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Eudora Welty quotes - page 2
There is absolutely everything in great fiction but a clear answer.
Eudora Welty
Each day the storm clouds were opening like great purple flowers and pouring out their dark thunder. Each nightfall, the storm was laid down on their houses like a burden the day had carried.
Eudora Welty
She read Dickens in the spirit in which she would have eloped with him.
Eudora Welty
Indeed, learning to write may be part of learning to read. For all I know, writing comes out of a superior devotion to reading.
Eudora Welty
I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with them--with the books themselves, cover and binding and the paper they were printed on, with their smell and their weight and with their possession in my arms, captured and carried off to myself.
Eudora Welty
I wanted to read immediately. The only fear was that of books coming to an end.
Eudora Welty
The mystery in how little we know of other people is no greater than the mystery of how much, Laurel thought.
Eudora Welty
Any room in our house at any time in the day was there to read in or to be read to.
Eudora Welty
Beware of a man with manners.
Eudora Welty
The story and its analyses are not mirror-opposites of each other. They are not reflections, either one. Criticism indeed is an art, as a story is, but only the story is to some degree a vision; there is no explanation outside fiction for what the writer is learning to do.
Eudora Welty
It had been startling and disappointing to me to find out that story books had been written by people, that books were not natural wonders, coming up of themselves like grass. Yet regardless of where they came from, I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with them -- with the books themselves, cover and binding and the paper they were printed on, with their smell and their weight and with their possession in my arms, captured and carried off to myself.
Eudora Welty
People give pain, are callous and insensitive, empty and cruel... but place heals the hurt, soothes the outrage, fills the terrible vacuum that these human beings make.
Eudora Welty
If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?
Eudora Welty
A sheltered life can be a daring life as well. For all serious daring starts from within.
Eudora Welty
Greater than scene is situation. Greater than situation is implication. Greater than all of these is a single, entire human being, who will never be confined in any frame.
Eudora Welty
For the night was not impartial. No, the night loved some more than others, served some more than others.
Eudora Welty
Writing fiction has developed in me an abiding respect for the unknown in a human lifetime and a sense of where to look for the threads, how to follow, how to connect, find in the thick of the tangle what clear line persists.
Eudora Welty
Writers and travelers are mesmerized alike by knowing of their destinations.
Eudora Welty