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Salman Rushdie quotes - page 11
I am clearly vulnerable to these more passionate and volatile unstable relationships. I am trying to not be so vulnerable.
Salman Rushdie
We all dream things into being; you imagine yourself having a child, and then you have a child. An inventor will think of something in his mind and then make it actual. So things are often passing from the imagined realm into the real world.
Salman Rushdie
In an ideal world, you could reunite the Pakistan-occupied part of Kashmir with the Indian-occupied part and restore the old borders. You could have both India and Pakistan agreeing to guarantee those borders, demilitarise the area, and to invest in it economically. In a sane world that would happen, but we don't live in a sane world.
Salman Rushdie
Chekhov is this poet of melancholy and isolation and of wishing you were somewhere else than where you are.
Salman Rushdie
The thing that always attracted me to New York was the sense of being in a place where a lot of people had a lot of stories not unlike mine. Everybody comes from somewhere else. Everyone's got a Polish grandmother, some kind of metamorphosis in their family circumstances. That's a very big thing - the experience of not living where you started.
Salman Rushdie
Nobody wants to read a 600 page book in which the author is fabulous throughout.
Salman Rushdie
A thing that happens to migrants is that they lose many of the traditional things which root identity, which root the self.
Salman Rushdie
My grandmother was very fierce and gruff. She was quite small, but she was very wide.
Salman Rushdie
The answer to religion is not no religion, but another way of thinking of it. Another way of being in it.
Salman Rushdie
Self-censorship is a lie to yourself; if you are going to be trying to seriously create art, to create literary art, and you decide to hold back, to censor yourself, then you are a fool to yourself and it would be better that you kept your mouth shut and did not speak.
Salman Rushdie
The glamour of being forbidden must not be underestimated.
Salman Rushdie
It is often said by religious people that without its framework, there is no sense of right or wrong. My view is that religion comes after ethics.
Salman Rushdie
The thing about literature is that, yes, there are kind of tides of fashion, you know; people come in and out of fashion; writers who are very celebrated fall into, you know, people you know stop reading them, and then it comes back again.
Salman Rushdie
Before I came to England, my favorite authors were P. G. Wodehouse and Agatha Christie. I used to devour both.
Salman Rushdie
I don't feel American. I do feel like a New Yorker. I think there's a real distinction there. A city allows you to become a citizen even when you're not a national.
Salman Rushdie
In today's U.S., it's possible for almost anyone - women, gays, African-Americans, Jews - to run for, and be elected to, high office.
Salman Rushdie
Acting was always my unscratched itch, when I was in college and even afterwards.
Salman Rushdie
The sixty-minute drama form has become very rich.
Salman Rushdie
In Iran, fundamentalism was fuelled to an extent by the regime of the Shah being supported by the West.
Salman Rushdie
What I've always tried to find in my books are points at which the private lives of the characters, and also my own, intersect with the public life of the culture.
Salman Rushdie
Sometimes writing a novel is not unlike having a baby. You'd have to ask a female novelist to compare the pain.
Salman Rushdie
I'll tell you what divorce hasn't taught me. It didn't teach me not to get married again.
Salman Rushdie