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Sylvia Plath quotes - page 13
I don't see,' I said, 'how people stand being old. Your insides all dry up. When you're young you're so self-reliant. You don't even need much religion.
Sylvia Plath
I'm never going to get married." "You're crazy." Buddy brightened. "You'll change your mind." "No. My mind's made up.
Sylvia Plath
Now I am silent, hate Up to my neck, Thick, thick. I do not speak.
Sylvia Plath
I think writers are the most narcissistic people. Well, I musn't say this, I like many of them, a great many of my friends are writers.
Sylvia Plath
Mother of otherness, Eat me.
Sylvia Plath
Ever since I was small I loved feeling somebody comb my hair. It made me go all sleepy and peaceful.
Sylvia Plath
If they substituted the word 'Lust' for 'Love' in the popular songs it would come nearer the truth.
Sylvia Plath
I didn't know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of the throat and I'd cry for a week.
Sylvia Plath
I also hate people to ask cheerfully how you are when they know you're feeling like hell and expect you to say "fine.
Sylvia Plath
Very few people do this any more. It's too risky. First of all, it's a hell of a responsibility to be yourself. It's much easier to be somebody else or nobody at all.
Sylvia Plath
Instead of the world being divided up into Catholics and Protestants or Republicans and Democrats or white men and black men or even men and women, I saw the world divided into people who had slept with somebody and people who hadn't, and this seemed the only really significant difference between one person and another.
Sylvia Plath
What I fear most, I think, is the death of the imagination.
Sylvia Plath
We should meet in another life, we should meet in air, me and you.
Sylvia Plath
They had to call and call And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls. --From the poem "Lady Lazarus", written 23-29 October 1962.
Sylvia Plath
Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.
Sylvia Plath
Virginia Woolf helps. Her novels make mine possible.
Sylvia Plath
I wait and ache.
Sylvia Plath
Eternity bores me, I never wanted it. From the poem "Years", 16 November 1962.
Sylvia Plath
How could I write about life when I'd never had a love affair or a baby or seen anybody die?
Sylvia Plath
I act and react, and suddenly I wonder, ‘Where is the girl that I was last year? Two years ago? What would she think of me now?
Sylvia Plath
I know the bottom, she says. I know it with my great tap root: It is what you fear. I do not fear it: I have been there. --From the poem "Elm", written 19 April 1962.
Sylvia Plath
I guess I should have reacted the way most of the other girls were, but I couldn't get myself to react. I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.
Sylvia Plath