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Richard Nixon quotes - page 3
I can't ever say that, but I believe it.
Richard Nixon
Let me say something before we get off the gay thing. I don't want my views misunderstood. I am the most tolerant person on that of anybody in this shop. They have a problem. They're born that way. You know that. That's all. I think they are. Anyway, my point is, though, when I say they're born that way, the tendency is there.
Richard Nixon
Now, when individuals read the entire transcript of the [March] 21st [1973] meeting, or hear the entire tape, where we discussed all these options, they may reach different interpretations, but I know what I meant, and I know also what I did.
Richard Nixon
What it is, is it's the insecurity. It's the latent insecurity. Most Jewish people are insecure. And that's why they have to prove things.
Richard Nixon
I have never been a quitter.
Richard Nixon
Men of intellectual and moral eminence who encourage public disobedience of the law are responsible for the acts of those who inevitably follow their counsel: the poor, the ignorant and the impressionable. For example, to the professor objecting to de facto segregation, it may be crystal clear where civil disobedience may begin and where it must end. But the boundaries have become fluid to his students and other listeners. Today in the urban slums, the limits of responsible action are all but invisible.
Richard Nixon
Bill Rogers has got - to his credit it's a decent feeling - but somewhat sort of a blind spot on the black thing because he's been in New York. He says well, ‘They are coming along, and that after all they are going to strengthen our country in the end because they are strong physically and some of them are smart.' So forth and so on. My own view is I think he's right if you're talking in terms of 500 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred. And, you just, that's the only thing that's going to do it, Rose.
Richard Nixon
No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported then, and it is misremembered now. Rarely have so many people been so wrong about so much. Never have the consequences of their misunderstanding been so tragic.
Richard Nixon
Nixon: I still think we ought to take the North Vietnamese dikes out now. Will that drown people? Kissinger: About two hundred thousand people. Nixon: No, no, no, I'd rather use the nuclear bomb. Have you got that, Henry? Kissinger: That, I think, would just be too much. Nixon: The nuclear bomb, does that bother you?. I just want you to think big, Henry, for Christsakes.
Richard Nixon
The American dream does not come to those who fall asleep.
Richard Nixon
Our opinion-makers have gone too far in promoting the doctrine that when a law is broken, society, not the criminal is to blame. Our teachers, preachers, and politicians have gone too far in advocating the idea that each individual should determine what laws are good and what laws are bad, and that he then should obey the law he likes and disobey the law he dislikes.
Richard Nixon
[Keynesian]I am now a Keynesian in economics.
Richard Nixon
Riots were also the most virulent symptoms to date of another, and in some ways graver, national disorder - the decline in respect for public authority and the rule of law in America. Far from being a great society, our is becoming a lawless society.
Richard Nixon
On Christmas Eve, during my terrible personal ordeal of the renewed bombing of North Vietnam, which after 12 years of war finally helped to bring America peace with honor, I sat down just before midnight. I wrote out some of my goals for my second term as President. Let me read them to you:.
Richard Nixon
I recognize that this additional material I am now furnishing may further damage my case.
Richard Nixon
If he gets shot, it's too damn bad.
Richard Nixon
Do you want to make a point or do you want to make a change? do you want to get something off your chest, or do you want to get something done?
Richard Nixon
I've just recognized that, you know, all people have certain traits. ... The Jews have certain traits. The Irish have certain - for example, the Irish can't drink. What you always have to remember with the Irish is they get mean. Virtually every Irish I've known gets mean when he drinks. Particularly the real Irish. ... The Italians, of course, those people course don't have their heads screwed on tight. They are wonderful people, but ...The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality.
Richard Nixon
Many Jews in the Communist conspiracy. Chambers and Hiss were the only non-Jews. Many thought that Hiss was. He could have been a half. Every other one was a Jew - and it raised hell for us. But in this case, I hope to God he's not a Jew.
Richard Nixon
We are faced this year with the choice between the "work ethic" that built this Nation's character and the new "welfare ethic" that could cause that American character to weaken.
Richard Nixon
Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.
Richard Nixon
Oscar Wilde, Aristotle, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, were all homosexuals. Nero, of course, was, in a public way, in with a boy in Rome.
Richard Nixon