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Agatha Christie quotes - page 11
It shows you, Madame, the dangers of conversation. It is a profound belief of mine that if you can induce a person to talk to you for long enough, on any subject whatever, sooner or later they will give themselves away.
Agatha Christie
I am not keeping back facts. Every fact that I know is in your possession. You can draw your own deductions from them.
Agatha Christie
"It makes me madder than a hornet to be disbelieved,” she explained.
Agatha Christie
Men always tell such silly lies.
Agatha Christie
"I have made my choice, Hori. I will share my life with you for good or evil, until death comes..." With his arms round her, with the sudden new sweetness of his face against hers, she was filled with an exultant richness of living.
Agatha Christie
They have, all of them, such wonderful good manners. Not taught good manners - the natural thing. I could never have believed till I came here that natural courtesy could be such a wonderful - such a positive thing.
Agatha Christie
Harold Waring, like many other Englishmen, was a bad linguist.
Agatha Christie
What beats me - it always does - is how a man can be so clever and yet be such a perfect fool.
Agatha Christie
Yes, a private investigator like my Wilbraham Rice. The public have taken very strongly to Wilbraham Rice. He bites his nails and eats a lot of bananas. I don't know why I made him bite his nails to start with - it's really rather disgusting - but there it is. He started by biting his nails, and now he has to do it in every single book. So monotonous.
Agatha Christie
What any woman saw in some particular man was beyond the comprehension of the average intelligent male. It just was so. A woman who could be intelligent about everything else in the world could be a complete fool when it came to some particular man.
Agatha Christie
Like most Englishmen, he felt something strongly, and proceeded to muddle around until he had, somehow or other, cleared up the mess.
Agatha Christie
Yes. I like to see people get angry. I like it very much. But here in England they do not get angry like they do in Spain. In Spain they take out their knives and they curse and shout. In England they do nothing, just get very red in the face and shut up their mouths tight.
Agatha Christie
From a distance he had the bland aspect of a philanthropist.
Agatha Christie
She came in with coffee and biscuits at half-past eleven with her mouth pursed up very prunes and prisms, and would hardly speak to me.
Agatha Christie
What else will you have? Nice banana and bacon sandwich?
Agatha Christie
Here are my roses. Like 'em?” "They're beautiful,” said Laura politely. "On the whole,” said Mr. Baldock, "I prefer them to human beings. They don't last as long for one thing.
Agatha Christie
He could have shot her from behind a hedge in the good old Irish fashion and probably got away with it.
Agatha Christie
Proof must be solid break walls of facts.
Agatha Christie
I could think of nothing more insufferable than members of one's own gang dropping in full of sympathy and their own affairs.
Agatha Christie
Pilar sat squeezed up against the window and thought how very odd the English smelt.
Agatha Christie
The reason he liked attending rich patients rather than poor ones was the he could exercise his active imagination in prescribing for their ailments.
Agatha Christie
But when investing money, keep, I beg of you, Hastings, strictly to the conservative.
Agatha Christie