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Arthur C. Clarke quotes - page 6
Yet now, as he roared across the night sky toward an unknown destiny, he found himself facing that bleak and ultimate question which so few men can answer to their satisfaction. What have I done with my life, he asked himself, that the world will be poorer if I leave it.
Arthur C. Clarke
Our age is in many ways unique, full of events and phenomena that never occurred before and can never happen again. They distort our thinking, making us believe that what is true now will be true forever, though perhaps on a larger scale. Because we have annihilated distance on this planet, we imagine that we can do it once again. The facts are otherwise, and we see them more clearly if we forget the present and turn our minds towards the past.
Arthur C. Clarke
We have abolished space here on the little Earth; we can never abolish the space that yawns between the stars. Once again, as in the days when Homer sang, we are face-to-face with immensity and must accept its grandeur and terror, its inspiring possibilities and its dreadful restraints.
Arthur C. Clarke
What was the use of wealth and power unless they could be used to shape one's dreams?
Arthur C. Clarke
He had wished to convince himself that Comarre was evil. Now he knew that it was not. There would always be, even in Utopia, some for whom the world had nothing to offer but sorrow and disillusion.
Arthur C. Clarke
News that is sufficiently bad somehow carries its own guarantee of truth. Only good reports need confirmation.
Arthur C. Clarke
A single neutron begins the chain-reaction that in an instant can destroy a million lives and the toil of generations. Equally insignificant and unimportant are the trigger-events which can sometimes change a man's course of action and so alter the whole pattern of his future.
Arthur C. Clarke
Now there are some forms of apparel that may be worn or discarded as the fancy pleases with no other ill effects than a possible loss of social prestige. But spacesuits are not among them.
Arthur C. Clarke
The extremists in his movement had discredited themselves thoroughly, and it would be a long time before the world heard of them again.
Arthur C. Clarke
There are some things that no amount of pure intelligence can anticipate, but which can only be learned by bitter experience.
Arthur C. Clarke
It was good to be alive; it was better to be young; it was best of all to be in love.
Arthur C. Clarke
Yet it was the impression that the unknown master has set out to create, Phoenix-like, from the dying embers of a great legend. He had captured, and held for all future ages to see, that beauty whose service is the purpose of life, and it sole justification.
Arthur C. Clarke
You won't be an artist if you live a thousand years. You're merely an expert, and you know it. Those who can-do, those who can't-criticise.
Arthur C. Clarke
Like the atom bomb, it arose out of equally academic research. Never, gentlemen, underestimate science. I doubt if there is a single field of study so theoretical, so remote from what is laughingly called everyday life, that it may not one day produce something that will shake the world.
Arthur C. Clarke
Captain Saunders, who came from Dallas and had no intention of being impressed by any prince, found himself unexpectedly moved by the wide, sad eyes. There were eyes that had seen too many receptions and parades, that had had to watch countless totally uninteresting things, that had never been allowed to stray far from the carefully planned official routes. Looking at that proud but weary face, Captain Saunders glimpsed for the first time the ultimate loneliness of royalty.
Arthur C. Clarke
For what is life but organized energy?
Arthur C. Clarke
This sounded promising, and my coefficient of cupidity jumped several points.
Arthur C. Clarke
Why should men travel, he asked himself bitterly, across the gulf of stars at such expense and risk-merely to land on a spinning slag heap? For the same reason, he knew, that they had once struggled to reach Everest and the Poles and the far places of the Earth-for the excitement of the body that was adventure, and the more enduring excitement of the mind that was discovery.
Arthur C. Clarke
It is hardly necessary for me to say that I do not believe in the supernatural; everything that happened has a perfectly rational explanation, obvious to any man with the slightest knowledge of psychology.
Arthur C. Clarke
The idea of death was utterly incongruous-as it is to all men until the final second.
Arthur C. Clarke
Christine would surely be talking, even if she had only an ape as audience. To her, any silence was as great a challenge as a blank canvas; it had to be filled with the sound of her own voice.
Arthur C. Clarke
I now spend a good part of my day dreaming of times past, present and future. As I try to survive on 15 hours sleep a day, I have plenty of time to enjoy vivid dreams. Being completely wheel-chaired doesn't stop my mind from roaming the universe - on the contrary!
Arthur C. Clarke