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Thomas Jefferson quotes - page 8
Those who wish to be ignorant and free, believe in something that never was and never shall be.
Thomas Jefferson
The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend all to the happiness of man.
Thomas Jefferson
We are firmly convinced, and we act on that conviction, that with nations, as with individuals, our interests, soundly calculated, will ever be found inseparable from our moral duties; and history bears witness to the fact that a just nation is taken on its word, when recourse is had to armaments and wars to bridle others.
Thomas Jefferson
Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle.
Thomas Jefferson
How much pain have cost us the evils which have never happened.
Thomas Jefferson
He who receives an idea from me receives instruction for himself without lessening mine as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me.
Thomas Jefferson
A wise and frugal Government, which shall retrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.
Thomas Jefferson
It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others: or their case may, by change of circumstances, become his own.
Thomas Jefferson
Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very fast.
Thomas Jefferson
I know of no safe repository for the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to increase their discretion by education.
Thomas Jefferson
Governments are republican only in proportion as they employ the will of the people and execute it.
Thomas Jefferson
When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson
I may grow rich by an art I am compelled to follow I may recover health by medicines I am compelled to take against my own judgment but I cannot be saved by a worship I disbelieve and abhor.
Thomas Jefferson
Is it the Fourth.
Thomas Jefferson
To preserve the freedom of the human mind then and freedom of the press, every spirit should be ready to devote itself to martyrdom for as long as we may think as we will, and speak as we think, the condition of man will proceed in improvement.
Thomas Jefferson
Nothing more than education advances the prosperity, the power, and the happiness of a nation.
Thomas Jefferson
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just...
Thomas Jefferson
I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.
Thomas Jefferson
Let those flatter who fear; it is not an American art. To give praise which is not due might be well from the venal, but would ill beseem those who are asserting the rights of human nature.
Thomas Jefferson
I am increasingly persuaded that the earth belongs exclusively to the living and that one generation has no more right to bind another to it's laws and judgments than one independent nation has the right to command another.
Thomas Jefferson
How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!
Thomas Jefferson
Neither Pagan nor Mahamedan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion. -quoting John Locke's argument.
Thomas Jefferson