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Clarence Darrow quotes - page 2
In spite of all the yearnings of men, no one can produce a single fact or reason to support the belief in God and in personal immortality.
Clarence Darrow
I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure.
Clarence Darrow
If you lose your power to laugh, you lose your power to think.
Clarence Darrow
One cannot live through a long stretch of years without forming some philosophy of life.
Clarence Darrow
All men do the best they can. But none meet life honestly and few heroically.
Clarence Darrow
The law does not pretend to punish everything that is dishonest. That would seriously interfere with business.
Clarence Darrow
The trouble with law is lawyers.
Clarence Darrow
With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed. They have done more for decency, for honesty, for education, for the betterment of the race, for the developing of character in men, than any other association of men.
Clarence Darrow
Can any rational person believe that the Bible is anything but a human document? We now know pretty well where the various books came from, and about when they were written. We know that they were written by human beings who had no knowledge of science, little knowledge of life, and were influenced by the barbarous morality of primitive times, and were grossly ignorant of most things that men know today.
Clarence Darrow
The origin of the absurd idea of immortal life is easy to discover; it is kept alive by hope and fear, by childish faith, and by cowardice.
Clarence Darrow
Liberty is the most jealous and exacting mistress that can beguile the brain and soul of man. She will have nothing from him who will not give her all. She knows that his pretended love serves but to betray. But when once the fierce heat of her quenchless, lustrous eyes have burned into the victim's heart, he will know no other smile but hers.
Clarence Darrow
To think is to differ.
Clarence Darrow
Ancestors do not mean so much. The rebel who succeeds generally makes it easier for the posterity that follows him; so these descendants are usually contented and smug and soft. Rebels are made from life, not ancestors.
Clarence Darrow
No nation can be really great that is held together by Gatling guns, and no true loyalty can be induced and kept through fear.
Clarence Darrow
Working people have alot of bad habits, but the worst of these is work.
Clarence Darrow
Autobiography is never entirely true. No one can get the right perspective on himself. Every fact is colored by imagination and dream.
Clarence Darrow
I am a friend of the working man, and I would rather be his friend, than be one.
Clarence Darrow
The Constitution is a delusion and a snare if the weakest and humblest man in the land cannot be defended in his right to speak and his right to think as much as the strongest in the land.
Clarence Darrow
One believes in the truthfulness of a man because of his long experience with the man, and because the man has always told a consistent story. But no man has told so consistent a story as nature.
Clarence Darrow
The nation that would to-day disarm its soldiers and turn its people to the paths of peace would accomplish more to its building up than by all the war taxes wrong from its hostile and unwilling serfs.
Clarence Darrow
Every government on earth is the personification of violence and force, and yet the doctine of non-resistance is as old as human thought - even more than this, the instinct is as old as life upon the earth.
Clarence Darrow
Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom; Justice is what comes out of a courtroom.
Clarence Darrow