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Dan Simmons quotes - page 4
I realized that for this moment, nothing in the past mattered. Nothing terrible in the future mattered. What mattered was her skin against me, her hand holding me, the perfume of her hair and skin and the warmth of her breath against my chest. This was satori. This was truth.
Dan Simmons
"Gold,” says the Consul, knowing that this is the only syllable that has held its power over the ages.
Dan Simmons
I realized then what I had known since I was a child watching my mother die of cancer-namely, that beyond ideology and ambition, beyond thought and emotion, there was only pain. And salvation from it.
Dan Simmons
Thus evolved some members of the Core-not altruists, but desperate survivalists who realized that the only way ultimately to win their never-ending zero-sum game was to stop the game. And to stop the game they needed to evolve into a species capable of empathy.
Dan Simmons
Almost everything interesting in the human experience is the result of an individual experiencing, experimenting, explaining, and sharing,” said my young friend. "A hive mind would be the ancient television broadcasts, or life at the height of the datasphere...consensual idiocy.
Dan Simmons
Although there are those among us now who have been granted the gift of being able to glimpse patterns of the future, probabilities tossed like dice on the uneven blanket of space and time, even these gifted ones know that no single future has been preordained for us or our posterity. Events are fluid. The future is like smoke from a burning forest, waiting for the wind of specific events and personal courage to blow the sparks and embers of reality this way or that.
Dan Simmons
I don't think that I want to make any wager if it means dealing with a Church that has grown so corrupt that it makes obedience and submission the price of its saving the life of someone's child.
Dan Simmons
There are no ghosts, my love. Death is final. The soul is that ineffable combination of memory and personality which we carry through life...when life departs, the soul also dies. Except for what we leave in the memory of those who loved us.
Dan Simmons
One of the men in the boat-I could not remember which character-had moved through all of the circles of theological supposition: praying, believing that God was a merciful Deity who sat up nights worrying about him, then believing that God was a cruel bastard, and finally deciding that no one was listening.
Dan Simmons
With a sudden clarity which went beyond the immediacy of his pain or sorrow, Sol Weintraub suddenly understood perfectly why Abraham had agreed to sacrifice Isaac, his son, when the Lord commanded him to do so. It was not obedience. It was not even to put the love of God above the love of his son. Abraham was testing God. By denying the sacrifice at the last moment, by stopping the knife, God had earned the right-in Abraham's eyes and the hearts of his offspring-to become the God of Abraham.
Dan Simmons
I began to understand. "A Faustian bargain...,” I said. "The Faustian bargain,” said the girl. "All the church had to do to gain the universe was sell its soul.”.
Dan Simmons
Pascal's Wager never appealed to me. It seems logically... shallow.” "Perhaps because it posits only two choices,” said Aenea. Somewhere in the desert night, an owl made a short, sharp sound. "Spiritual resurrection and immortality or death and damnation,” she said. "Those last two aren't the same thing,” I said. "No, but perhaps to someone like Blaise Pascal they were. Someone terrified of ‘the eternal silence of these infinite spaces.'” "A spiritual agoraphobic,” I said. Aenea laughed. The sound was so sincere and spontaneous that I could not help loving it. Her. "Religion seems to have always offered that false duality,” she said, setting her cup of tea on a flat stone. "The silences of infinite space or the cozy comfort of inner certainty.
Dan Simmons
I heard the hiss and felt the blessed numbness spreading. If there is a God, I thought, it's a painkiller.
Dan Simmons
If there is a true secret to the universe, it is this...these first few seconds of warmth and entry and complete acceptance by one's beloved.
Dan Simmons
It struck me that his dialect was actually the nondialect of someone who has learned a new language perfectly but without the lazy shortcuts of someone born to it.
Dan Simmons
We are created for precisely this sort of suffering. In the end, it is all we are, those limpid tide pools of self-consciousness between crashing waves of pain.
Dan Simmons
Religion and ethics were not always-or even frequently-mutually compatible. The demands of religious absolutism or fundamentalism or rampaging relativism often reflected the worst aspects of contemporary culture or prejudices rather than a system which both man and God could live under with a sense of real justice.
Dan Simmons
Each of them was intimately aware of the procedure for electing a pope-not only of the antiquated mechanisms, of course, but of the politicking, pressuring, deal-making, bluffing, and outright blackmail that had often accompanied the process over the centuries.
Dan Simmons
One of the few benefits of the fall of civilization as we know it,” he says, "is that there are private cellars with fine vintages everywhere one digs. It is not theft. It is archaeology.
Dan Simmons
After fifty-five years of dedicating his life and work to the story of ethical systems, Sol Weintraub had come to a single, unshakable conclusion: any allegiance to a deity or concept or universal principal (sic) which put obedience above decent behavior toward an innocent human being was evil.
Dan Simmons
I could not do this, I realized, if I were immortal. This degree of love of life and of one another is granted, I saw for once and for ever, not to immortals, but to those who live briefly and always under the shadow of death and loss.
Dan Simmons
I ignore religions,” said Brawne Lamia. "I do not succumb to them.
Dan Simmons