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Richelle Mead quotes - page 27
Dimitri: "Do not do that again."Rose: "Don't kiss me back then."- Dimitri Belikov & Rose Hathaway (Frostbite)
Richelle Mead
Well, she was talking to me. That's enough to make anyone lose their temper. And I accused her of sleeping with my dad because he was the soundest evolutionary choice.
Richelle Mead
Sure," said Adrian. "I bet going in there and kicking down the door will change their minds. Take Rose with you, and you guys'll make a really good impression.
Richelle Mead
You made your own jean shorts... with a butter knife?
Richelle Mead
Speaking of Sonya... I was thinking of something earlier. Something Wolfe said." "Why, Adrian. Were you paying attention after all?" "Don't start, Sage," he warned.(p 211)
Richelle Mead
Can't you... I don't. Find a hobby or something?" "Being charming is my hobby.
Richelle Mead
So that's how you're going to fix the family problem. Little Dragomirs. Good idea.
Richelle Mead
Well, well, well," I said. "If it isn't the people responsible for unleashing Rose Hathaway on the world. You've got a lot to answer for.
Richelle Mead
We take everything for granted, but when I'm with Angeline, I see the world through new eyes. She makes my world better. It's why she's so great.
Richelle Mead
Was it weird having a witch grandma? Scary? Was she always, like, threatening to cast spells if you were bad?" "Most of the time she just threatened to send me to my room." "That doesn't sound so scary to me." "That's because you haven't met her.
Richelle Mead
If I propose, you'll know it. For one thing, I'll be hyperventilating.
Richelle Mead
Who... who are you?' I asked at last. It was true. I had left a body in the park, but seriously, what was I supposed to do? Drag him back to my hotel and tell my bellhop my friend had had too much to drink?
Richelle Mead
This is very domestic of you," he said. "It's kinda hot, really. Giving me all sorts of fantasies about you in an apron vacuuming my house.
Richelle Mead
What hope is there?” I asked. "If even angels fall, what hope is there for the rest of us?” "There isn't,” he said. "We're on our own. And we have to make the choices we think are best for our own survival.
Richelle Mead
No," he said, voice thick and husky. His fingers dug into the chair's arms. "You'd better not get too close." I stopped, laughing softly. "You don't strike me as the assaulting type, Mortensen." "Yeah, well, there's a first time for everything.
Richelle Mead
Do what? Come up with a clever pun referencing Jerome's demonic status? The truth is, I usually keep a stash of them on hand and.
Richelle Mead
I heard some interesting things about your performance up here." "I hear interesting things about your 'performance' all the time Doug, but you don't hear me making jokes about it.
Richelle Mead
Sleep with Seth Mortensen? Good grief. It was the most preposterous thing I'd ever heard. It was appalling. If I absorbed his life force, there was no telling how long it'd be until his next book came out.
Richelle Mead
Plus, I was about to spend six weeks with Christian Ozera. He was sarcastic, difficult, and made jokes about everything. Actually, he was a lot like me. It was going to be a long six weeks.
Richelle Mead
This isn't a Christmas special! This is my life. In the real world, miracles and goodness just don't happen.
Richelle Mead
He'd barely seen me coming, and despite the horribleness of what I'd just done, I kind of wished one of my instructors had been there to grade me on such an awesome performance.
Richelle Mead
I don't know, but I think it's going to be good.
Richelle Mead