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Richelle Mead quotes - page 15
I reached into my pocket and triumphantly flashed the CR-V keys Iʹd swiped when weʹd come back inside. ʺThe driver,ʺ I said. I DIDNʹT GET TO DRIVE.
Richelle Mead
I think we got in more trouble with Aunt Tasha,ʺ said Christian. ʺShe was kind of pissed off that we didnʹt tell her what was going on. I think she probably wanted to blow up the statues herself.
Richelle Mead
But what are loyalty and caring really worth?" "To me? Everything.
Richelle Mead
Rose never would have done anything like that,' he countered. He paused to reconsider, and I could've sworn there was a hint of a smile there. 'Well at least not in such a public setting.'- Dimitri Belikov.
Richelle Mead
Different time, different place,” I said. "Things can change. People can change.
Richelle Mead
How we love others is affected by how we love ourselves, and for the first time in a long time, I was whole.
Richelle Mead
If you try to turn me against Lissa one more time the stories are going to be about you bleeding because I'll have ripped your throat out!
Richelle Mead
I know," she said, guessing my thoughts. "I know exactly how you feel." "Does it get easier?" I asked. Unlike Sydney, Olena had an answer. "Yes. But you'll never be the same.
Richelle Mead
If I had learned anything in my life about love, it was that they were tenous things that could end at any moment. Caution was essential-but not at the cost of risking your life.
Richelle Mead
The tension between us kicked up a notch, and I realized that along with our bodies being nearer, so were our lips.
Richelle Mead
Hey show some respect. They're real people with names. Carla and Krissy” He frowned. "Or was it Missy?
Richelle Mead
Look at it this way," Ms. Terwilliger said, after several moments of thought. "The callistana thinks of you two as its parents.
Richelle Mead
The love we'd shared always burned within me, no matter how often I told myself to move on, no matter how much the world did think I'd moved on.
Richelle Mead
You were totally unprepared for her.” "That's for damned sure.
Richelle Mead
Is Hopper celebrating with you?” "Hopper? Why would-” My mouth snapped shut for a few moments. "Oh. I, uh, kind of forgot about him.
Richelle Mead
It occurred to me that I was standing face to face with the hero of a love story nearly as dramatic as my own.
Richelle Mead
She is mine, and I am hers.
Richelle Mead
I felt my heart breaking all over again. Why? Why had this happened to us? Why was the universe so cruel?
Richelle Mead
Fortunately for Dimitri, I had his back.
Richelle Mead
So far I'm not seeing a lot of difference between me and a carnival con-man.
Richelle Mead
Sage,” Adrian declared. "These hands don't do manual labor.
Richelle Mead
Bringing children into it was just low, I decided. At least heʹd left puppies out.
Richelle Mead