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Richelle Mead quotes - page 14
It's worth it. It's worth giving up the sun and magic.
Richelle Mead
Smiling, I cut across the quadrangle toward the commons. I felt better about life than I had in a very long time. We could do this, Lissa and me. We could do this together.
Richelle Mead
My life didnʹt need to be on the line for me to enjoy dessert.
Richelle Mead
What If Following Her Heart Means Rose Could Lose Her Best Friend Forever?
Richelle Mead
Any life worth living is going to have risks.
Richelle Mead
How do you prove we exist? Maybe we don't.
Richelle Mead
God might work on mysterious ways, but hell worked on efficient ones.
Richelle Mead
I found the candles-atrocious air freshening ones that smelled like fake pine.
Richelle Mead
Then, his struggles stopped. His eyes stared at me, stunned, and his lips parted, almost into a smile, albeit a grisly and pained one. "That's what I was supposed to say..." he gasped out. Those were his last words.
Richelle Mead
How do you know if a demon is lying? His lips are moving.
Richelle Mead
Slushes. Do you know how much I love those? Cherry, especially.
Richelle Mead
Anyone who takes a hit for Adrian Ivashkov deserves some credit.
Richelle Mead
Thats why your doing this? Because Lissa told you to?
Richelle Mead
And here I thought you had a soft spot for reckless young girls.
Richelle Mead
Sage.” He laughed. "I'm into anything, so long as you're with me.
Richelle Mead
Rose is in red, But never in blue, Sharp as a thorn, Fights like one too.
Richelle Mead
So much grief, so much anger. So unlike the usual Adrian.
Richelle Mead
My mother wasnʹt sleeping with anybody. She doesnʹt even sleep with my father.
Richelle Mead
There's a reason they say,"Pride goeth before a fall.
Richelle Mead
Would he have said he loved me? I would ask myself that for the rest of my life.
Richelle Mead
I changed my mind," he said. "I'll take you up on helping me get a job." I almost swerved into oncoming traffic.
Richelle Mead
Dmitri was in my arms.
Richelle Mead